Maeve and I started lessons on the letter B today-and she really surprised me about how much she already knew! We worked on number order 1-20, no problem, alphabet upper case/lower case identification, no problem, letter tracing, no problem, sounding out words, no problem and coloring, HUGE problem. Maeve is the worst color-er ever. Ha.
I feel like she could have some small motor-issues that hopefully we can work through in the time she has before kindergarten. She is a VERY willing and excited student and it was a ton of fun to work with her.
A few pictures of our morning--
letter tracing
Maeve's favorite activity--number clothespin matching
Ezra is a bit letter obsessed and worked on his favorite puzzle.
Cheese! =) Love it--even though it's blurry! =)
We are working on this cute B is for Ballerina pack.
After a few hours of work she didn't want to stop! Luckily we were invited to spend time with our friends and that distracted her from wanting more projects.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day and after school we walked to the park and played for a bit.
This is the best January ever!!!
Not much else is new-just looking forward to next week and much more time with my husband!! =)
This is the best January ever!!!
Not much else is new-just looking forward to next week and much more time with my husband!! =)