Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Kind Of Message You Don't Want To Hear On Your Phone When You Awake From A Nap And It's Pouring Outside And Cold And Wintery

"Hi honey. The meeting after church ran really late. My car wouldn't start so Amelie and I are walking home. Actually I'm carrying her. We'll see you in a while."
My poor soggy, coat-less, car-less family arrived home a few minutes after I recieved the call.


Megan and Company said...

Ugh! I wish we'd seen him. I had an empty minivan and would have loaded them up. I also would have hi-fived Steve the whole way home for being among the 3 people who actually could actually piece together 1+1=2.

Julie said...

Oh NO! Poor Mr. W and Miss A! What a bummer. Hopefully no one is any worse for wear over the walk!

Madre said...

I hope that your sweet little family is as snug as bugs in a rug sorry that today turned into such a tough afternoon for our dah'lings.

Devin said...

Ugh! What a total BUMMER....