Saturday, February 21, 2009


ha! ya'll surprised me with the pregnancy guesses--it is actually, as julie said and granny surmised, a countdown until my
30th birthday
(which is coming painfully closer everyday).
my parents are down from NY for the weekend and we celebrated with a delightful ultimate chocolate cake from wegmans with a HUGE *30* on it.
now, the age thing really hasn't ever bothered me--but seriously, seeing that big *30* on the cake was a little daunting. don't get me wrong--i'm thankful for each year i have a birthday (you know, since i'm around to celebrate it) but it's a mi-le-stone!
i'll post pictures of the awesome cake with the GIANT sized numbers on it know....when i can maneuver my old bones to get the camera and all =)
happy saturday night friends!


Pamela said...

It will be okay.
I promise.

Sheri said...

I hear you- I have about 2 months to go- YIKES:) Its all fun though!

Devin said...

I can tell you now from experience--30 isn't nearly as scary as I thought! :-)

Julie said...

Thirty is the new 20 anyway. So I guess I'm only 24.

See, I feel better already.

Yum - chocolate cake sounds delish!!!

Happy Almost Birthday.

Ree said...

Ya know, it's funny b/c I actually had a harder time turning 30 than turning 40!! IDK why, but I'm fine with it now!! Although, I have to say-all my aches & pains didn't start until after that 30th b-day!!
It's all good though!!