Thursday, May 22, 2008

Have you ever...

had one of those nights where...

you've been up for 2 hours because the baby who sleeps so perfectly in your bed has been:
punching, kicking, hitting, rolling, sucking, flailing, sighing, dreaming, sneezing in your face all night and you just can't get back to sleep because somehow even though they only weigh 16 pounds they take up more space on the mattress than you and your husband combined and since you can't sleep and don't even really fit on your bed you decide to get up and write a blog about it because what else is there to do at 4:25 in the morning when it's dark and quiet and all you really want to do it sleep but can't because of said baby?

oh. you haven't?

well, never mind then....


Megan and Company said...

Oh friend, yes, yes I have. :)

charmed1 said...

Oh I have! And she is 3 years old and 37 lbs. She takes up my whole bed and I'm lucky to get a sliver of it. Been there done that - I feel ya!

Julie said...

Yep - try it with 2 that weigh 27lbs each and flail around like cats trying to stay out of a bathtub!!

Let me guess, Mr. Wonderful probably slept through the whole thing?? (That's what usually happens at my house...)

Ree said...

As Trace Atkins says in his song: 'You're gonna miss're gonna want this back...
Well, the sleeping part anyway, not the keeping you up part!!

Sheri said...

OHHHHH NO.....well, I have had countless sleepless nights with Sam, but not exactly for the same reasons....I have blogged in the middle of the night though.....

Who knows what this next baby will be like.....???

I think Maeve just likes high quality stuff and wants your bed, not her pack and play:) he he

A Jersey Girl said...

Sure have, and have blogged about them too. Because as you said, What else is there to do at 4:45am?