You know when you drive a regular car and everyone else in the world has huge mini-vans (oxymoron) or SUV's and you park and then you try to leave and you have to inch out of your spot
by inch
by inch
ever so slowly
because you can't see around all of the tall vehicles and you think you're in the clear and then
someone races behind you so they can get around your car before you can pull out fully and "block" them for a few seconds as you put your car into gear to go forward?
Yeah...I hate that.
Stinkin' fast car driving through parking lot people and large SUV sun blocking cars that make it hard to see.
Haha...but the jokes on them see--I get 35 mpg and they get 12 so I win in the end...
Or at least, that's what I tell myself.
I think it's funny to fake those people out. You know, 1/2 pull out and then just "straighten it out" back in the spot and sit there for a while, kind of staring into space or fiddling with your bag. ;)
I agree! And half the time they can't park their huge boats straight so you have to try to make yourself paper thin to get into your car! Learn how to park moron or get a real car!
It is amazing how SCAREY parking lots are.....between the door bangers, cart shovers and speeding have to have eyes in the back of your head! (that is one reason why my mom always said "back in so you can pull out"....but that still doesn't make it completely safe cause you gotta inch the nose of your lil car out and pray that it doesn't get swiped off!
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