Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shelly's Snippets

* I'm so thankful that my girls play so well together--Amelie is the most loving and kind big sister, and is a great helper to her little sister at the park and the pool! i'm proud to be their mother!
* Maeve has started saying Amelie very distinctly, "Ahh maaaa leeee!" it is so cute!
* I need a new point and shoot digital camera--my pocket camera is fading fast! and I don't have room to tote around my big digital for the everyday stuff!
* Just found out that not only did our insurance coverage change this year, but my husband's school switched providers, right in the middle of my pregnancy. Something tells me that this is going to be annoying for me! Ahhhh! But, at the same time, I'm thankful for insurance!
* Still am not used to wearing a maternity bathing suit every-single-day-in-public. I'm pretty sure I'll never get used to it.
* TMI: I smashed my toe this week and now have half a toe nail on my pinky toe. So sad =(
* Loves Jersey Fresh Blueberries!
* Needs another vacation!
* Needs to start going to bed earlier!
* Excited that we have NOTHING to do this weekend!
* Enjoys Nameless Baby Weber and all of his kicking but does not appreciate that he only starts kicking at night, just as I finally get comfortable enough to fall asleep =)

Happy Thursday!

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