Wednesday, March 3, 2010

***HOT DEAL*** (For Old Navy/Gap Card Holders)

Want $10 free dollars to Old Navy?  
Just go online, order something for ten dollars and enter the code THANKYOU. You do have to pay shipping (unless you're cool like me and have a Gap Silver Card muahahahah). They wouldn't let me get a totally free order so I had to put in a $1 pair of socks for E-boy but I got a totally free shirt for myself! Woot!


Coach Prentice said...

Yay! Just got a cute Spring shirt for $2!!! Thanks for the heads up.

Emily said...

I'm a first time commenter, but read your blog often! Your kids are PRECIOUS! THANK YOU for letting me know about the 10 dollars at Old Navy! I am not quite at Gap Silver status, so I did have to pay shipping but still an awesome deal!

Anonymous said...

What great deals! You are a woman after my own heart!!!!