Monday, December 20, 2010

Did You Ever....?

did you ever have a night
a week
a month
((or more))
where the only major stresses
were just the 
tiny ones
all in a great big giant heap
and heaping up higher and higher 
and you think...
*well, this isn't so bad*
*neither is this*
but when you add them all up they seem big
or giant-sized, even?
 {{**cast all your cares upon *HIM* for He cares for you! 1peter5:7**}}
it's all the little fix-it jobs you want done
the worker, who is also a friend, whom you've paid but doesn't return your calls
the child that slips and gashes a lip
the endless responsilbities
and needs
that must always be met
(not to mention the needs that must always be pushed aside)
{{**cast all your cares upon *HIM* for He cares for you! 1peter5:7**}}
the feeling that things are good
and usually things are even *great*
but some days
at the end of the day
you're just feeling tired?
ready for a break?
a chance to catch up?
{{**cast all your cares upon *HIM* for He cares for you! 1peter5:7**}}
God is so good to us.
i'm so thankful that all of the problems we have in our days
have lately been
but when the very small things make a big giant pile
it makes me want to take a nap
when really, i ought to pray.
{{**cast all your cares upon *HIM* for He cares for you! 1peter5:7**}}so, i think i'll do that now!


Pamela said...

yes, yes.

Madre said...

rest my dear daughter and remember that He gives me joy.....
joy in the morning

Melody said...

Oh man! I am so right there with you! In fact, so much so, that I was such a mess yesterday, that after talking to my mom they came and packed up all 3 kids and took them home for a couple of days! Didn't really realize how much I had been pushing my self and how exhausted I had become!

Take care and know you are NOT alone : - )