Friday, January 11, 2008

We're Two of a Kind

It's going to be a long day for the Wonder Girls here at home--Mr. Wonderful and his Music Team are singing the National Anthem tonight at the 76er's game in Philly! It's very exciting to see his group get to do events like this but very sad to be home without him! We'll miss you Daddy and can't wait to spend time together this weekend! In the meantime, here are some things I am thankful for!

* The birth of Gwyneth Rose--All 1 pound 6 ounces of Miracle Baby--Read about her here if you haven't already!

* Our big and little friends and play dates with them all! Woot!

* Rainy days

* The warm weather and being able to go on long walks all week now that I've finally got my behind in gear to exercise a bit.

* My sweet girls--my heart is chock full of joy!

* Newborn Smell

* Toddler Kisses

* Jesus and His unfailing love even though I'm totally unworthy

* Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough...mmm....yummy

* All my bloggy friends! I love having comments from anyone who reads my thoughts--I feel much more connected to the people I love through blogging!



Anonymous said...

Oh to be computer savvy and be able to post comments to my fav' daughter. Love u honey and am so proud of the lovely woman and mom that you have become! madre xx

Megan and Company said...

I commiserate, friend! I walked in the door from the airport and kissed Al goodbye as he headed off to work nights for the weekend. I'm hoping we'll carve out some time in the summer... ;)

Looking forward to seeing everyone at church on Sunday, it feels likes its been so long!

charmed1 said...

That's quite the list! Have to agree with you! Love you,too! :)

Emily said...

I just spent some time reading about Tricia and baby Duke is less than an hour from here, I wish I could go visit! Thanks for passing that on.