Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Day Is It?

These past few days have been exhausting.
Which, when stacked against the past three weeks, (during which we entertained an even more exhausting out of town guest) just add up to tiredness.
Ezra is more mobile than ever before and he's in that stage where you need to watch them like a hawk b/c of the tumbling and the shaky standing and the getting-into-everything-ness.
Amelie has VBS this week and has really been enjoying it (and, I'm sure the fact that she's in love with her table leader has almost nothing to do with it! Ha!).
Maeve hates to miss out on things and is always sooo sad to see Amelie go! Hopefully we can have a special adventure today after Ezra's inconvenient but necessary morning nap.
I'm so thankful that the kids all nap in the afternoon or I'd be in trouble!!
I'm looking forward to having my husband home Friday and hoping we can just relax this weekend!!
My parents were visiting this past weekend and my Mom and I gave the kids a bath. And here's the proof:
Here's my handsome shaky-standy-cruiser Ezra boy!

For the sake of full disclosure, I erased the booger hanging out of his nose with Photoshop.
I also drew shirts on the girls.

You're welcome. =)
Maeve's *I'm scrared of the flash* face!

Happy Wednesday!

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