Friday, April 18, 2008

Shelly is wondering if blonds have more fun...

I have a quandary and a query and they are as follows:
My quandary is that my hair has faded into a strange shade of reddy-browny-tin-y and something MUST be done about it. It's this shade to begin with because I occasionally dye my mousey type hair color a dark auburn color but alas, it has faded and the summer sun and warm breezes have gone straight to my brain and I'm contemplating a change....
My query: to blond or not to blond? I am definitely going to get highlights, at the least, for this summer but am thinking about jumping on the totally blond bandwagon. What do you think? I'll put a poll on my site and see what the general consensus is, just cause it's more fun to make a decision with help aside from my poor husband who knows the only correct answer is, "Whatever you do will be just fine." Ha! So help a blogger out!

The mousey-browny before Shelly.

p.s. I'll do some digging b/c I know I have some pictures of a much blonder me and that might help the issue along...

p.p.s this is the kind of post a woman writes after she's had a nap, her babies are still sleeping and she's counting down the seconds until her husband gets home.

p.p.s.s. Go vote!


Brie Latini said...

I think you'd be a hot blonde! But, here's my advice- don't do it yourself. It's too drastic a change and it could lead to a disaster that would cost you a fortune to fix anyway!! Trust me, I've been there!!!! Anyway, if you decide to go for it, let me know- I know a fab place!!

sarah e. said...

I love brunette Michelle!!! Your eyes are so dramatic against a dark background. Celebrate with highlights!

But ultimately... do you what you want! You won't know until you try. And you can always go back. That's the great thing about hair, eh?

hugs, :)

Julie said...

I never noticed until now that your nose is pierced. YOU can carry something like that off - I'd just look like I had something stuck to my nose...

Oh, sorry, I got sidetracked...about the hair - I think highlights would be really pretty. Going "all out" might be a bit much. Then again, it depends on what shade of blonde you wanted to go. Yeah, I guess I'm not much help am I? Sorry. Whatever you do will be great, I'm sure.

Ree said...

Blonde Highlights baby!! My sis-in-law does mine and that's what I usually get...I just change up the base color. Let me know when you decide. I told ya before my sis-in-law will hook ya up. You'd just have to pay for the product and give her a lttle tip. Good luck with your decision!!