Sunday, April 3, 2011

This morning my attitude was absolutely abominable.
I was grumpy and miserable from the 5am-Ezra-wake-up-call (luckily he went back to sleep; I didn't). 
Mr. Wonderful had a music team concert at a faraway church and I was on my own with our little ones.
So I grumped and I moped and it wasn't pretty.
I wish I could be content and pleasant all of the time but it just isn't so.=)
After dragging my little ones and myself to church we were a lot late for sunday school and a lot early for church so I sat quietly in the sanctuary after dropping them all off and quieted my mind.
Our interim pastor had placed the story of Charles Spurgeon in our bulletin--he was an amazing evangelist-- who came to believe in Christ after he heard a sermon that included this verse:
   Isaiah 45:22
“ Look to Me, and be saved,
      All you ends of the earth!
      For I
am God, and there is no other."
So he, (Spurgeon), *looked* up and acknowledged in his heart that there is one God and that Christ is His Son. 
*He* is the ONLY way. 
The *ONE* through which we can go to Heaven. 
Belief in Christ alone is what saves us from sin, and death, and emptiness and spiritual darkness.
I can never be reminded of the wonderful promises of Scripture enough! 
I walked away feeling encouraged and joyful--so thankful for the gathering together of believers and for the Word that was presented this morning!
In other news, when I dressed Ezra for church I noticed he must have had a growth spurt because his khakis and white shirt (that I was hoping were going to last us for another month or so) looked like capris and 3/4 length shirt! Gah! It's not a good look--even on a cute baby! =) 
In other, other news, the discouraging situation I alluded to yesterday has been resolved but not in an encouraging way (if that makes sense). Boo. 
Thanks for sending a prayer up for us if you did--I have faith that it will be resolved according to HIS plan.

Happy Sunday--I hope you had a better attitude about it than I did! =)

1 comment:

Madre said...

I am so thankful that you have the body of Christ to encourage you....and more importantly, the Lord himself, ready to help you, recharge you and remind you of His great love and sacrifice for each of us. Love you honey, wish we lived closer! madre xoxo