Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Of July Fun

The kids were very excited about the parade this year--they love that we can just perch on our front lawn to watch! Mr. Wonderful tried to hold them back as long as possible but they couldn't wait to get outside and ended up waiting on the curb for half an hour before the parade began. =)
Excited Maeve!
Excited Amelie!
Everyone was happy before the parade started--but as soon as Maeve heard the motorcycles coming down the road she was terrified and crawled up into my lap and had me cover her ears.
Ha! So sensitive! She sat that way for most of the parade--only hopping down once in a while if the candy thrown was particularly interesting.
Ezra loved the lollipops! (Apparently the wrappers are extra delicious!)
Granny, Pop and my boys.
Amelie says, "It smells like candy in here!!" 
They got so much--their shopping bags were half full by the end of the parade!
Ezra was super serious for every picture I took--but I *think* he had fun. =)
We also had a family bbq, went swimming and got to watch the town fireworks with Amelie after the babies went to bed! I *heart* the 4th!

1 comment:

Madre said...

How wonderful - so glad the Lord smiled on your family day!