Monday, January 10, 2011


*Monday so soon? Sometimes I try to balance being thankful for each new day with my dread of Mondays. Sometimes I succeed and others I don't. Today was a very friendly Monday though! =)
*The children's museum with friends is always a treat! On a streak of very good timing, the children played very well, we avoided crowds for the most part and had some awesomely good/bad hot dogs at the snack shop.
*Maeve and Ezra are taking *amazing* naps right now. They usually sleep about 2 or 2.5 hours in the afternoon--we are going on 3 and counting! Woot!!
*I snuck a nap in too! =)
*A very yummy smelling pot roast and homemade bread are brewing in the kitchen and they are torturing me with their divine smell while I sit here and wait for my husband and Amelie to get home!!
*I restarted my Bible study today after taking too long of a break with Breaking Free.
*This blog post really spoke to me today!
*A very happy magazine renewal came in the mail today--my husband and I both really enjoy EntertainmentWeekly and they want to give me 52 issues for $3 muahahahahahaha. =)
*Hopefully the school bound will be home soon!
*That's it for now! 

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