Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2010 was a very good year for us--
-we enjoyed our first full year in our new home
-i wasn't pregnant for any of it (woot)
-we were able to spend our time enjoying our three lovely children
-i learned about how awesome coupons are and started saving us (and making us) a boatload of money (well, maybe more like a toy boat than an actual boat =)
-my husband and i enjoyed another year of marriage and are heading towards the big *10*th anniversary in June
-we went on an awesome family vacation
-and my husband had his best summer job ever which afforded us for the first time to NOT have to worry about money AND to have a ton of extra days with him. it was really very lovely!
-my baby started kindergarten and LOVES it and is doing so well!
-my middle baby still isn't potty trained but still IS fabulous and funny 
-my actual baby learned how to eat and roll and walk  and wave and dance and give kisses and lots of other stuff this year. and he's perfect! seriously. perfect! (aside from the still not sleeping through the night thing =)
-my husband's music team placed 2nd in the nation in the international competition of a cappella (the same music competition that many of the groups from the tv show, The Sing Off participated in!)
-and he finished his *man room* which is probably his favorite accomplishment! =)
i'm sad to see 2010 go!
the good years always go too fast!
i'm excited to see what 2011 holds though!
God bless you all and Happy New Year!!

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