Sunday, November 21, 2010


It was another lovely, crisp Fall day and we finally conquered the ginormous piles of leaves in our backyard! Yay! It feels so good to check that stinkin' job off of our list!
I ran to Target super early to grab the girls a few Christmas presents because
a) most of the stuff they wanted was on sale today!
b) I don't black friday shop and don' t generally like crowds so it seemed perfect
It was actually like baby-black-friday. When I got there at quarter till 8 there was a line outside and when I walked up everyone was grilling everybody about what they were there to buy--I guess there were some electronics things on sale? There were people literally running to the electronics department. Yikes. They seemed mostly calm and cool though. I knocked off 90% of Christmas which is super stinkin' exciting!
In other news, I stayed home this morning with Ezra-boy because he's been running a fever off and on all day 
(which started with out awesome 4:30 wake up call--it's been a long day!). 
Poor guy! =(
Here's the girls dressed in their matching outfits--because the best antidote for being sad about missing church is dressing the girls alike!

Well, off to pack for our Thanksgiving trip!

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