Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!! {{Two Days Late))

What a whirl-wind of a Thanksgiving weekend!
Wednesday I was suffering from extreme ear just wasn't sure if I could make the drive back home for our annual Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration.
And...after much debate Thursday morning I finally decided that since the car was packed and my heart longed to be home that we would just power through the big drive!
Our drive went super well, the roads were empty and the kids were fantastic! We arrived just in time for turkey dinner with my parents and brothers, my sister in law and my new nephew Ethan! Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of everyone ( my hands seem to be much more full now-a-days) but here's a picture of my family and my brother's family!
We had a lovely short visit--with a family gathering on Friday and an early morning pack up and drive today! Ahhhh--I'm getting too old for fast travelling =)
So--better late than never--my list of thanks!!
*I'm so thankful that I'm a mother of 3! My heart is full--I feel lucky and blessed and chipper just thinking about my lovely little ones:
* I'm also supremely thankful that I NEVER have to be pregnant ever again...until or unless I wanna be =)
*I'm thankful for my NY family and that I got to spend time with them and that we get to see my parents fairly often even though we don't live next door.
*And for our general good health, our homes, the fact that we have HEAT (when did it turn into winter!?) and the internet. =)
*I'm thankful for our family and friends--both near and far
*the ever-willing-to-babysit-and-just-generally-be-a-blessing granny of the west
*our van
*knee high socks with skirts
*digital SLR photography and photoshop
*people with red hair
*baby legs! baby kisses! baby everything!!
*my new house. Love love love it.
*my husband, our friendship and kindred hearts which just get closer as the years go by
*the fact that there is NOTHING i need on earth enough to have to go shopping on black friday--ick!-
*kenny and dolly's christmas album
*Jesus and the fact that God loved me enough to send Him to be born and that Jesus loved me enough to die for my sins.
*that we can celebrate christmas in remembrance of His birth
*I'm thankful for grace and the fact that He forgives me when I sin and fall short which is far, far too often.
*I'm just plain thankful.


Devin said...

Me too, friend! Meeee toooooo.

Glad you had a wonderful couple of days! And thankful for many, many of the same things.

SarahV said...
