Saturday, July 5, 2008

Camping Extravaganza A.K.A. Badger Attack A.K.A. Noah's Flood's Got Nothin' On This A.K.A. I only took 6 pitiful pictures of the whole too short event

We're back from camping! Yay!
It was *wonderful* event to be sure but was cut unfortunately short due to downpours! Bleck!
We headed up to Lancaster Thursday night and set up our tents and got cooking on the open fire and tasted our first hobo pies (pizza style). Luckily one of the few pictures I took was of Sarah eating the hobo pie that my husband made--yes, it really IS black and she really was just hungry enough to get it that way =)

Judah and A invented some fun chasing games and got along delightfully well! Besides chasing each other they had a ball playing at the indoor water park which I can't believe I forgot my camera for--fun times! Mr. Wonderful even tricked me into going on the waterslide even though I am terrified of them (another story for another day) and even though Mavis was completely terrified of the water we eventually got her to splash her feet in it.

The babies all turned into bed around 9 and (our generous friends let us use the large tent with enough room for a pack and play! that made things much easier) and the babies slept well (even if the adults spent the night listening to fireworks and roosters crowing =-). A and Judah had so much fun together--they really were perfect for camping! M isn't quite ready to be loving the camping life but I think next year she'll definitely be more enthused (the fact that she's getting 3 teeth right now didn't help much--not to mention that it isn't fun to crawl twigs and leaves ).
We had planned to stay all day Friday and spend time at the countless outdoor activities at the campground--but it started raining in the early morning hours and just got heavier and heavier and more and more depressing. We decided to pack everything up b/c there wasn't much use in hanging around all day being wet =( So, it was sad that we had to leave early but I'm really glad we tried it and would love to do it again, I think I'll just check the weather report more carefully next time! ha!
While Mr. Wonderful and our friends were packing up all the tents--I sat in the car with the babies and tried to entertain them. I'm pretty sure I got the short end of the stick on that one =) Here is a picture of A and Judah entertaining each other.
Here's a picture of M and I wet and sticky and thrilled about being in the car.
So, the rain put a damper on our day but it was still a good thing and I can't wait to do it again real soon.
I would like to get a written statement from the scary badger who was rummaging in our food shelter that he won't be back next time I go. It can really age a girl to come back from a nice shower at 5 in the morning, all ready to settle down with a chocolate donut, pepsi and a trashy celeb magazine when all of the sudden a huge dog sized forest dwelling creature comes crashing out of said food tent with a hot dog roll in it's mouth. I probably won't ever be the same and my hair will probably always be just a little curlier from standing on end...


Madre said...

that was a little too close for comfort! I hope you all get another chance to camp with sunny skies and everyone feeling fine !

charmed1 said...

I've been camping a few times and it was a lot of fun. Haven't done it in a while though. And I certainly never had a close call with a forest creature like that! They would have heard me scream in the next county! :)

Anonymous said...

our vacations together have been pretty interesting so far. wildwood, now this :) we'll get the hang of it eventually!!

Sheri said...

Good for you guys! I am glad you still had some fun! Sorry about the rain, but.......maybe next year...Either way I am still impressed!:)