Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pros and Cons: Taking a New Job Version

extra $$$
3 mile commute
good/short hours
i love teaching
extra $$$
excellent program with caring teachers, low turnover
the program is a "blank slate" for me to write on
extra $$$

steve might have to leave work a few minutes early every day or we'd have to find someome to come to our house watch the girls for a few minutes each day
we'd get to see each other for 30 seconds between our jobs
less time with the girls
the program is brand new and would require a lot of prep time
no paid or unpaid sick or personal days
at risk students = challenging/mean etc.
nothing to work with (until orders arrive in october probably)
no sink (who ever heard of an art room with no sink?!?)


Emily said...

hmmmm. No sink, huh?

Ree said...

This is a tough one!! Is the extra $$ wotrh the hassle? Can you survive without it? Yeah, it would be awesome, but.... I know what it's like to WANT to go back plus hungaring the $$, but in the end if you can live w/o that pay, it HAS to be worth the hassle, the commute, the time away, etc!!
Praying for you!!

Madre said...

It is times like this when leaning on our own understanding is so confusing.

So I am praying that you will Trust the Lord with your whole heart and not lean on your own understanding.

I am praying that HE will make your pathway VERY clear and I am praying that YOU will not even have to make the decision....that HE will make it for you!

Seek Him, HIS wisdom and righteousness....HE will work it out. I LOVE UUUUU and am praying you will hear His still small voice.

charmed1 said...

If anyone can make this work it's you,Shelle! Whatever decision you make will be the right one :)

Tribe Mama said...

Well, I found there are three types of mommas, those that want to work full time, those that want to stay home full time and those who want a little of each-and they are equally all great types of mommas.

If you feel you are the type of momma who will do well getting out of the house and doing something else you love (cause we love being home with the kids) and you would feel good about making some income, go for it. I have done it all, worked FT (HATED IT) Stayed home FT (Liked it, but wanted more) and now I balance it, I work from home and teach a class or two during the school year. You will be a better mommy choosing which makes you happiest :)


Madre said...

Great comment from tribe mama! I have never thought about working moms the way that she shared!