Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekly Rhymey Reader

Monday-- Such a day, I can't recall what we did, though I'm sure twas a ball!
Tuesday-- Said no to a job, sick to my stomach all day, i still can't believe it--maybe i will someday...
Wednesday--We went to the park, (didn't we girls?) a nice day for friends and delicious pizza was served.
Thursday--Dr's appt for little Mavis B, doctor said "no" to breast milk and really confused me!
Friday--Swimming time with Brie and girls--perfect weather, so fun together!
Saturday--Early morning shopping trip, and then I thought I'd blog a bit--A's taking her first fishing trip today with Granny and Pop pop to a lake or a bay--Next week will bring VBS--(our first VBS experience)--I'm sure twill be fun and fabulous too--my dear friend's A's teacher--which makes Mama feel good.
My weekly rhymey reader is done--time for a nap for Mavis Beacon!

1 comment:

Ree said...

Sounds like a fun week you busy bee!! VBS sounds GOOD to me!!
Have a great weekend!!