Sunday, December 7, 2008

Her Bag of Tricks

My Amelie can be exasperating...and right in the middle of being exasperating her newest "trick" or wile or something is to say to me in her sweetest of sweet voices,
"Mama, you are my favorite friend!"
She's used this line on her most special people: her sister, her daddy and her beloved grannys.
The other day Mr. Wonderful was chatting with her and she declared:
"Santa and Jesus are my BEST friends!"
I'd love to set up camp in that kid's imagination for a day, I bet it's fantastic in there!


JerseyGranny said...

And the Grannys fall for it every time! Right, Madre?

Devin said...


My Cameron is similar....they all have their own ways, be he can be especially manipulative.

When he is in trouble he will look up at me with those huge blue eyes and say,

"But Mommy, you're soooooo pretty."

Grrrr. Hard to discipline after that. And he knows it.

Little booger.