Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Light Night

I went to see Twilight tonight with my friend Brie.
It was the light fun treat my brain needed
(the nachos didn't hurt either)
It was well cast, and though nothing is ever as good as the book, I enjoyed it muchly.
I might possibly have a small crush on Edward and it might possibly have something small to do with the fact that he is a virtuoso at the piano.
I have no idea why I find that attractive
My brain feels 10 pounds lighter.
As I exited the theatre the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that read:
"Watch Out, I drive like a Cullen"
I like need that bumper sticker.
The end.


Julie said...

I have yet to fall under the trance of "Twilight" - although I do love a good vampire story...I heard this one is fairly tame and more of a romance?

Um...what's a Cullen?

Shelly said...

Cullen is the last name of the super fast dare devil driving family of Vampires. =)

Julie said...

Ah. Maybe I should change my last name then, since I'm married to a Cullen...LOL

I love that your blog is educational AND entertaining!