Amelie's head is full of big, little, silly, weird, interesting ideas;
--Which she agrees with/believes WHOLE-heartedly--no matter how strange they are--
She has....ahem, decided, our favorite Christmas songs for us, but before I share the favorite songs I'll share the Christmas song rules according to Amelie.
Amelie's Christmas Song Rules1. No one may ever sing any song. Ever. Amelie wants to learn the words and having Mama or Daddy sing the words only interferes in the process.
2. No humming, whistling, or quiet singing under your breath, either.
3. You will only be allowed to sing, sometimes, your "favorite song" which is a song pre-determined by Amelie (note, not your
actual favorite song)
4. You may never turn off the radio in the middle of a Christmas song.
5. You may never turn the channel on the radio, even if you're changing to another all-christmas-music-all-the-time station. Just 'cause.
So now that you've got the rules straight, here are the songs Amelie has decided are all of our favorite songs:
Amelie: Jingle Bell Rock, only the older version by Billy somebody or Bobby somebody--no new version is acceptable.
Mr. Wonderful: All I Want For Christmas Is You, by Mariah Carey. This is alarmingly close to the mark, Mr. Wonderful hearts Mariah, in a big way.
Shelly: Feliz Navidad, Um, seriously, I've asked for a new favorite song but this is the only one she'll let me have. Apparently I made the mistake of singing this one a little too enthusiastically a few weeks ago and I've been branded with it ever since.
So, to this I say, Felize Navidad from the bottom of my heart!