1. DO NOT change your clothes. DO NOT fix your hair.. Just take a picture.
2. Post that picture with NO editing.
3. Post these instructions with your picture.
4. Tag 10 people to do this!
2. Post that picture with NO editing.
3. Post these instructions with your picture.
4. Tag 10 people to do this!
So..here's your early morning dose of Shelly, in desperate need of a haircut and costume change =)

It's not that bad!!
So...what's wrong with that picture? You definitely don't look bad.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Shelly--that pic looks good to me!
I'd be outstandingly happy to look that good at 5:20 a.m.!
If I hadn't been wearing the grey bandanna, you'd have run screaming away from the computer. I wish my hair would behave like that first thing in the AM...or any time, for that matter!
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