* When Maeve and I arrived at the Dr.'s for her weight check they said, "Oh, she's just getting the second part of her flu shot today b/c there isn't a doctor available to give her a weight check...so if you'd like to come back..." Mer. I'm not gonna do it. It annoys me that we've been waiting for this day to come and then it did and it was uneventful. I guess we'll check her weight at her 15 month appt. which will be here before we know it. Still...
* I think my Christmas pictures are ready to pick up...but silly me, I can't find my receipt thingy....Mer.
*I'm still working on my free Cheesecake and it is still delicious.
*As soon as Mr. Wonderful and Amelie get home from Granny and Pop's (we are borrowing their fabulous wheels for our northward journey) I have to pack up all our stuff for Thanksmas/Christgiving in NY. As long as we're done...you know...being sickies.
* Oh and somebody, please remind me to stop looking at Baby Gap. It's a sickness and I just can't help it. Here's what caught my eye tonight:

I beg to differ- I am quite scathed!
glad to hear that you're feeling better! have a safe trip and a wonderful thanksgiving/christmas with your family!
couldn't a nurse just plop her on a scale and tell you what she weighed? oi.
and man those clothes are cute! i know i'm having a boy but he may just have to wear that hat :)
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