Friday, October 31, 2008

Wish Fulfillment: All of your questions answered

Well friends, Alice has done it again and readily responded to all of your queries
(her words in bold)--Enjoy her sage opinions =) Pamela asked, "How do they make Marshmallows?"

Alice answers: "Like pumpkins. My teacher knows how to make them."

Sarah also submitted questions:
Alice, what do you think of national health care?

National health care is where they fly in the sky. How about barbie? Mariposa flies in the sky too.

How many monkeys can fit in a Volkswagen?
Lots. 10 (holds 10 fingers up)

What color is heaven?
Blue because he (Jesus) likes blue. I like pink.

Where do tears come from?
They come from the shower water and give you a bloody eye.
Julie wanted to know:

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A lot.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
Why can bumblebees fly but chickens can't?
Chickens can't because they just walk only barbie mariposa can fly.

Why does the Queen of Hearts play croquet with flamingos?
I don't know what that is.

How does a 3 year old go from sweet and smiley to crying and frowning in under 2 seconds?
Everytime I supposed to cry like a baby

Uncle Frank asked:
What makes the ocean stop at the shore?
God does because that's the way He likes it.

Granny of the North wanted to know:
Hey Alice, how does a Grannie ever get enough of her grandchildren?
I want to see Granny Blue Swing.

There you have it friends! If you ever meet another unanswerable question you know who to ask =)


Pamela said...

Where do tears come from?
They come from the shower water and give you a bloody eye.

maybe you could put a filter on your shower? you know, to get out all the stuff that makes your eyes bleed? just trying to help, because bloody eyes are not that sanitary.

Great post.

Megan and Company said...

This may be the best "Shelly" blog I've ever, ever read!

Julie said...

Wow, thanks Alice, for all of your wise and well-thought-out answers. I am especially happy to know the one about marshmallows. I've always wondered how those were made!

Madre said...

Thank you, Alice! All of us with inquiring minds feel better having these answers. Also- the blue swing is ready for Alice, the snow is melting - so we can now get to the swing!